
design, model, present, analyze, realize...

RhinoGold by TDM Solutions

RhinoGold® is the most complete jewellery solution based on Rhinoceros® 5.0 (and 4.0) NURBS modeler for Windows.

Makes it possible for jewelry designers and manufacturers to fully modify and manufacture jewelry precisely but quickly without sacrificing a clear and intuitive interface that both simplifies and cuts down learning time.

Already on version 4.0! 

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Rafael del Molino, TDM Solutions SL
+34 937547774

Customer Reviews
Average rating based on 6 reviews
444 of 1173 people found the following review helpful
Great job!! 10/19/2008 by 'Kathy' from Kathy
Easy to use, I love the interface and for a beginner like me, it was a gift to have the opportunity to have 3 different interface levels. Thank you for making such an excellent product
381 of 1206 people found the following review helpful
Congratulations on rhinoGOLD 6/10/2009 by 'Marian' from Marian
Really good software and better support! I love 2.0! Congratulations.
192 of 866 people found the following review helpful
Un valido prodotto 3/16/2011 by 'Riccardo' from Riccardo
Si tratta di un buon prodotto per chi soprattutto alle prime armi si vuole avvicinare al mondo della gioielleria. Ha moltissime funzioni che aiutano a velocizzare alcune procedure che con rhino si fanno ma con più perdita di tempo il tutto ad un prezzo interessante.
187 of 922 people found the following review helpful
qualita prezzo? 9/29/2009 by 'Dani'
caro per quello che fa. il valore giusto dovrebbe aggirarsi intorno ai 100 - 200 euro massimo
451 of 1459 people found the following review helpful
Acabo de ver una demo de Rhinogold 5/30/2008 by 'Manuel' from Manuel
Estoy en la duda habiendo ya visto tambien 3 Design, que tiene ya tiempo en el mercado, comparandola con este nuevo plug in de Rhino, cual de los 2 pueden adecuarse mejor para mi trabajo? Diseño de joyeria de moda. Me parece extraordinaria la facilidad de uso del Rhinogold y su rapidez de trabajo, sin embargo por ser tan reciente su lanzamiento no encuentro forma de saber si es una aplicación comparable con 3 Design, cual es su ventaja principal vs este software? alguien tiene una opinion, que pueda ayudar.
148 of 1402 people found the following review helpful
Excellent Product and Customer Support 6/14/2010 by 'Roger - Dallas,TX'
I ordered the product when it was first released in Version 1.0. TDM Solutions is constantly striving for product improvement and provides udates to all users. I find the application very user friendly and easy to understand. The application allows a designer to accomplish their project in a small amount of time. Many training videos are available and the large user group is helpful with questions. Download the trial application and I am sure you will view the plug-in as I have, it is well worth the price.