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Plugin UnLoader - www.smart3d.net

Smart3d Plugin UnLoader
for Rhinoceros® 4.0


  • Did you ever want to uninstall a plugin for Rhino?
  • You have a plugin that does not load properly and do not know how to remove it?
  • Are you a developer and loads often different versions of the plugin, and want to put some order into the Windows registry?

Smart3d Unloader Plugin for Rhino is right for you!

It automatically detects all the plugins and report those that were not installed correctly.
It detects also the keys of the plugins that are no longer present.

System Requirements:
McNeel Rhinoceros 4.0
Windows® 7 32bit or 64 bit
Microsoft® Framework .NET 3.5


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Smart3d, Smart3d

Customer Reviews
Average rating based on 3 reviews
594 of 1097 people found the following review helpful
Utile e semplice 3/21/2011 by 'Michele' from Michele
Una utility molto valida per chi come me prova e riprova molti plug-in di rhino e come si sa alcune volte non va a buon fine l'installazione o non si vuole avere più il comando nella voce del menu. Semplice per ripulire la registry.
226 of 576 people found the following review helpful
A delight 2/15/2011 by 'Giorgio S.' from Giorgio S.
...yes, because it works like a charm. I found it very useful and easy to run. Good work guys! Thanks again Giorgio
107 of 460 people found the following review helpful
Molto utile 5/6/2011 by 'Antonio' from Antonio
Semplice ma efficace.Utile per non avere sempre quelle fastidiose schermate quando si apre Rhino e qualcosa non si carica correttamente... A quando una versione che funzioni anche sui vecchi XP?