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ReverseEngineering.com (TM)

Reverse Engineering and measurement support for portable cmms and laser scanners.

Alignment and ball compensation for Device support FARO EDGE, Romer Absolute , Microscribe, 3D Creator, Baces 3D, Faro Focus 3D, Faro Laser Tracker, Leica laser Tracker

Supports processing GB of Scan data, Generate profiles , extract features and build your model against the MESH. Point clouds data format integration available on request.

Product Web SiteTechnical Support


Christiann Moore, RevereEngineering.com

Customer Reviews
Average rating based on 1 reviews
12 of 38 people found the following review helpful
Faro arm user 4/17/2012 by 'Frank' from Frank
Excellent plug-in Allows for part to cad alignments and probe compensation !