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 OneLineFonts.com is your source for single line fonts for use with CNC machining, engraving, scrapbooking, and many other creative endeavors. Great care and effort is put into each typeface to ensure a perfect balance of quality appearance and efficient utilization.

 We have developed several font formats to ensure that you will have a font that works in your program. In particular we have a format (with OC in the name) that works in conjunction with Rhinoceros & it's "single stroke font" button. This will provide you with clean bezier curved letter shapes that your tool only traces once.

 We also want to be sure that you have the glyph (symbol, letter, character) that you need. A reflection of that is the extensive number of glyphs included with our One Line typefaces. Each "One Line Font" file includes nearly 400 glyphs to ensure that you have the letter, punctuation, symbol, accent (diacritics), number, ligature, or letterform that you need for most Roman based languages. We understand that not everyone needs that many glyphs, so we also offer a "basic" font option that includes 103 commonly used glyphs for English.

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Justin D., Onelinefonts.com

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